Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Magazine Essentials Parts

Magazine Essentials Parts

Masthead (Tittle, Logotype, Logo, Nameplate)

The masthead is the tittle that is often in the front cove by the side, or the top. (Also works on the bottom). The tittle has to be somewhere where it does not entirely covers the main object or person in the front cover.


Month and year and rarely with the price. Some magazines dates are a month ahead when it is released.

Main Image

The images in the magazines are mostly portraits and most of the time the face is big enough and the person is making full eye contact to the camera. The person in the front cover mainly means that there will be talking about him/her in four or two pages at least. The main image gives it more interest and entrainment.

Model Credit

The model credit is rarely on the magazines such as Fashion magazines or in other like a quote on a politic or science/technology magazine.

Cover Lines

Cover lines are the tittles of the important articles inside the magazine and sometimes the most interesting ones. (Health, Love, Money, other.)

Main Cover Lines

The main cover line is the main topic or article in the magazine.

Left Third

The Tittle of the magazine is on the side so when it is on a shelf and you can't see the cover you can at least see the tittle or logo.

Bar Code 

The Bar Code will sometimes come in the magazine with the published dates or something like that.

Selling Line

Selling Line is the description of the magazine or advertisement like "Best #1 magazine in the world for Health issues"

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

my holiday and hopes for 2016

1) Something i remember that was cool was the birth of my nephew on christmas and this tamales my aunt made for the whole family.

2) My resolutions for 2016 are:

1) be confident
2) get money
3) be helpful
4) be brave
5) determination
6) get a laptop
7) buying cool ps2 games like resident evil

3) I am looking forward  to be a better artist, More help to my mom, get money easily, have a date on valentines, be happy, and having a good year.....also graduating to 10th grade :D

Best photos of 2015

This is the first picture i liked because i like neon colors and it makes it look beautiful in the dark and water. Also the sun in the background looks really good too.

This other picture is the second picture in liked because it remands me of the painting i made at home with the same type of color but a little bit darker.

This id the last picture i liked too. This picture is kind of lonely but i love the lighting in the background and the sun in the tree together makes it look so artistic. Also the boulders in the background makes it look like someone just abandoned it.